google Adwords experts (PAY Per click)
working with a professional consultant...
If you currently have a Google Pay-Per-Click campaign running, make sure you’re doing it the RIGHT way... We are experts at reducing the cost you pay on each click, but at the same time moving your advert position up.
Based on the Berkshire and Hampshire border we specialise in lead generation through Google AdWords.
are you spending too much?
A massive amount of money can be wasted on Google Pay Per Click advertising and there are thousands of sales being lost on a daily basis!
With a correctly setup and managed AdWords campaign we can ensure you won't be paying for irrelevent clicks. Only pay for the people who are actually searching for your services or products.
Increasing sales...
With the right strategy and implementation, a well-targeted Pay Per Click campaign can significantly increase enquiries and sales through your website.
free review...
There is no catch. We are passionate about helping local companies get the most from Google AdWords. Adwords can really boost your business, but it can also be extremely costly if it’s not being looked after properly!
Consider an Adwords review by our professional Google Adwords advisors - it won’t cost you anything but could save you a fortune! The report comes with detailed research as to what oportunites you are missing and the ones that we can tap into right now! Interested? Please complete our enquiry form above now.
Oh by the way...
If you decided to choose Digital House for any of our services we have NO tie-in clauses. All our customers stay with us because we make it work for them, NOT because they've been tied into a 6, 12 or even 18 month contract or sometimes even longer...